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Mikael Wigell

Research Director at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs

Mikael Wigell is Research Director at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. He is also Adjunct Professor in International Political Economy at the Tampere University and Non-Resident Associate at the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE). He earned his PhD at the London School of Economics and he has been a Visiting Fellow at the Changing Character of War Centre, Oxford University. He has also been a Member of the Development Policy Committee of the Finnish Government and President of the Finnish International Studies Association. His work on geostrategy, geoeconomics, resilience policies and hybrid threats has appeared in scholarly journals such as International Affairs, World Development, The Washington Quarterly, Democratization, Comparative Strategy, and Global Affairs. He appears regularly in European media and has written a number of policy reports for the European Parliament and the Government of Finland. His latest book is as editor of the volume Geo-economics and Power Politics in the 21st Century (Routledge, 2018; 2020).

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